Tuesday 30 March 2010

Jallaluddin and Dr. Kalam's childhood

Jallaluddin and Dr. Kalam's childhood

Jallaluddin was one of the major Influences on Dr. Kalam's childhood. Though, he was fifteen yours older them Kalam, they become good friends. Kalam found strange and mystic in Jallaluddin. He was not much educated but he was self-taught. He was well read and well informed. He would talk to young Kalam about Scientific invention, Literature and medical science. He encouraged Kalam to achieve the best in life. He helped young Kalam expend his vision in life. He taught Kalam to took expend his beyond immediate world. Thus, Kalam's life was shaped and molded by such persons. It shows that even an ordinary person plays decisive role in giving shape to the destiny of either an individual or nation. 

Dr. Kalam's father and his philosophy in The Wings of Fire

Short note on .... 
Dr. Kalam's father and his philosophy in The Wings of Fire

 Dr. Kalam's father was a highly religious man. His name was Jinalabuddin.  He was neither highly educated nor reach. He has evolved any system of philosophy. He had formed it out of his own convictions – ‘once destiny should be a vision born out the true knowledge of the self. Fear is a major obstacle in full feeling once hope.’  According to him when one prayed , he would more beyond his body and its material concern he would become a part of  cosmos were wealth age, cast, creed were insignificant. Thus, Kalam's father was an ideal person.

The Wings of Fire as an autobiography

 Evaluate The Wings of Fire as an autobiography.

         An autobiography is the history of particular men’s life written by him.  Its purpose is the successful presentation of personality Dr. Kalam's autobiography The Wing of Fire is an autobiography with purpose and sincerity. His life is a unique example of humbleness and sincerity. He was not born in rich family. He had not got full facilities. His journey from the ordinary boy to great scientist and the struggle of his life are depicted in The Wings of Fire.

         Though, a man of science he is an emotional human being. He loved his family and his teachers and co-workers as well as his almost sincerity and reality. Indeed, Dr. Kalam is legendary figure in India and its achievement in science and technology

         Kalam's Wings of Fire is an autobiography, which emergence Kalam as a great scientist and a humble and sincere person. This Wings of Fire is a good example of scientific autobiography.

Dr. Kalam's father and his philosophy in WINGS OF FIRE

 Short note on  -

Dr. Kalam's father and his philosophy in Wings of Fire

    Dr Kalam's father was a highly religious man his name was  Jinalabuddin.  He was neither highly educated nor reach.  He  has evolved any system of philosophy. He had formed it out of his own convictions - 'once destiny should be a vision born out the true knowledge of the self. fear is a  major obstacle in full feeling once hope.'  According to him when one prayed, he would more beyond his body and its material concern. He would become a part of  Cosmos were wealth, age, cast, creed were insignificant. Thus,we can say that  Kalam's father was an ideal person.

Saturday 27 March 2010

Conclusion of the play TARA

 Conclusion of the TARA

        In short Dattani's TARA presents the real scrape of Indian Society, Dattani make the TARA an instrument to presents the Invisible issues of the Indian society. The approach of TARA is Completely new and different from the other play of other Dramatist. The play is the predicament on the modern life and Society, There are some ultra-modern themes also, But the Whole play is disturbed. It runs backwards as well as forward. We don't find an ideal plot construction in the whole play. The Plot of the play is very loose and scattered. Infect TARA has  no Central theme. There are many stories woven together. Dattani Want to present each and every aspect of the Indian society, so There are many stories going in the different directions. Because If the use the Stream of consciousness Techniques in the play it Became more complex.

        In short TARA is not easy to understand every common Audience or the reader. It requires a clever or intelligent reader Or audience to grasp the full meaning of the play. It is a really Very complex play.

Fulfillment of the dramatist's aim in TARA

Fulfillment of the dramatist's aim:

        Trough the play TARA, Dattani want to presents the each and every aspect of the Indian society as it is. Actually, Dattani's family is a Gujarati. So, he had seen many institution of Gujarati culture; and than has family moved to Bangalore to from the Gujarat. There he had seen the institution if urban society.

        The social aspect of the Indian society, Prejudices imposed by the society, problem of the Genderbias, hypocrisy of pretension, power of money, the follies of medical profession, the issue of provincialism, emotion of twin to each other all are well depicted in the play and they also came under the microscope of Dattani's rationalism. In TARA Dattani had justified all these issues through the various characters of the play.

        In short, Dattani's TARA Became a successful instrument for the presenting the photographic picture of the society. And Dattani has got a unique achievement in presenting the social problem of the Indian society.

The setting of the play - TARA

 The setting of the play

        The setting of the pay is not at a functional place, but at the real and familiar place Bangalore and London. 

        The characters Dan - the older Chandan, Tara, Chandan, Mr. Patel, Bharati, Roopa, Dr. Thakkar, are not only like the characters of the play; but the real persons among us. They all are the representatives of our society. TARA is not entirely the work of fictional. But it represents the actual condition of the society. In short Dattani's TARA has a surer footing of reality.

        He has presented two places at the same time by using the stream of consciousness technique of Dan. His this play presents the contemporary society of India.

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