Showing posts with label One Act Play. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One Act Play. Show all posts

Saturday 26 May 2018

Charecteristic ( Techneque ) of One Act Play

Chief Characteristics OR Techniques of One Act Play

  • Inroductiof of One Act Play

         The One Act play is often thought to be a short form of the long play. But the question is not one of length. A One-Act Play is a separate literary form by itself. It is not a condensed three or five Act Play, nor can it be elaborated into a three Act play. The very nature and structure of the two are entirely different. 

         A One-Act Play deals with a single dominant situation, and aims at producing a single effect, though the methods used may different  from tragedy to face, according to the nature of the effect desired. As the play is short and the action takes place within a short period of time, greatest economy and concentration is required. Everything superfluous is to be strictly avoided. The play must be close knit and the greatest attention must be paid to its structure. This makes the One-Act Play a difficult form of art and much training and practice is required to master it. It is a highly artistic form and has immense possibilities for development.


         Though short in form the One-Act Play can have as its theme a large number of varied subjects. In fact every subject between heaven and earth is fit for the One-Act Play. It, of course, deals with only one action to produce the maximum of effect. Some tense situation or some particular phase in the life of an individual is chosen and is depicted in an effective manner. All attention is concentrated on that particular moment and the story of the play hangs on it.
Various problems connected with the life of the individual are discussed.

Thus various sorts of things – love, marriage, divorce, justice, crime, punishment, law, superstitions, customs and manners – are all suitable themes for a One-Act Play. According to its theme the One-Act Play can be divided into different types as – realistic plays, problem plays, fentasies, costume plays, satire, romance, etc. In short, the playwright has a large and varied choice of subjects which can be discussed equally well in the One-Act Play.


THE BISHOP'S CANDLESTICKS is an adaptation of the story of the encounter between a convict and a bishop from Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables.

THE MONKEY'S PAW is a horror play which is also an adaptation from a short story by W.W. Jacobs.

REFUND is a satire on the anomalies of the modem educational system.

HOW HE LIED TO HER HUSBAND makes an original play out of the hackneyed
situation involving a husband, wife and lover.

THE DEAR DEPARTED is a very amusing little play which makes good fun of the petty-Mindedness and complacency of a middle class family.

FUMED OAK is remarkable as an effective and satirical comedy on human relationships with strings attached.

HELLO OUT THERE is a moving short play'on the hypocrisies of a society that fails to understand the call of one human being to another out there.

   The plots of one-act plays are simple and easily comprehensible. The basic plot formula is that of a beginning, a middle and an end, where the end is distinctly different from the bEginning. This is what lends to a play its dramatic quality.



           The One-Act Play, like the longer drama, should have a beginning, a middle and an end. It may be divided into four stages: 
 1.The Exposition. 
 2.The Conflict, 
 3.The Climax and
 4.The Denouement. 

         All these stages may be distinctly marked as in the larger play, but more often than not they tend to over-lap in a One-Act Play.

           The Exposition serves as an introduction to the play. It explains situation introduces the characters and tells us of action prior to the situation on hand. Thus, the themes of the play are explained to the audience and the important characters are also introduced. The part of the story that has already happened and which it is necessary to know for an understanding of the play, is also told to the audience. But as the One-Act Play is very short, the dramatist cannot devote much time to this introduction-and explanation. Hence the exposition of a One-Act Play is usually brief.

           The exposition is followed by the conflict. It is through the conflict that the action of the drama develops. The conflict means a struggle between two opposing forces. The conflict may take different forms. There may be a struggle between two opposite interests, ideas, persons, group of persons, or the hero and his fate or circumstances. There may also be an inner conflict between two opposite ideas or urges in the mind of the hero, who may not be able to decide what to do and so may suffer great agony of spirit as a consequence. The conflict is the very back-bone of the One-Act Play. Complications after complications arise and the readers are in constant suspense about the outcome of the conflict.

          After the conflict comes the climax. It is the turning point of the drama. One of the two contending forces now gains supremacy over the others. It is now clear which of the two would win in the end. The climax is an important part of the One-Act Play and constitutes its moment of supreme interest.

         The Denouement is the next and the final stage of the One-Act Play. The play now reaches its end. One of the two contending forces now definitely gets victory over the other and the action of the drama concludes. As the space at the disposal of the writer of One-Act Plays is limited, the denouement is very brief and often overlaps with climax. The plays come to an end just after the climax.


          There are three dramatic unities which are observed in the One-Act Play as far as possible. The unities are – the unity of time, unity of place and the unity of action. If the drama is to be probable and natural, these three unities are to be observed by the dramatist. Of course, sometimes it is difficult to observe these unities, but effort is to be made to observe them as far as possible.


             The characters in a One-Act Play are limited in number. The space at the disposal of the playwright is limited and if he introduces too many characters, it would result in overcrowding and lessen the effect of the drama. Of course, there is no hard and fast rule as to the number of characters in a play. But generally there are not more than two or three principal characters.
Not only are the characters limited in number, there is also no full development of character. The dramastist has no time to present the characters through the different stages of their development. All the different aspects of a character are not presented. The attention is focused on only one or two salient aspects of character and they are brought out by placing the characters in different situations and circumstances.

           Besides this, the characters in the modern One-Act Play are ordinary men and women. They are neither saints nor devlis. They have all the faults and weaknesses, as well as all the virtues that ordinary human beings have. If they are otherwise, it would make the play unnatural, unrealistic and unconvincing.


             Dialogue is of the greatest importance in the One-Act Play. As the drama is short, all superfluity is to be avoided. Absolute economy of means should be used. Every word is to be carefully choosen and sentences must be compact and condensed. Effort should be made to say, whatever is to be said, in the least possible words. Thus the language of the dialogue should be simple, brief and easy to understand. Long speeches and arguments and long sentences would be out of place and would lessen the charm and interest of the play.

            Detailed stage-directions are invariably introduced by the dramatist in the One-Act Play. The space at the disposal of the playwright is limited and so he cannot supply us detailed information through a lengthy exposition or during the action of the play itself. This purpose is served by the stage directions. Moreover these stage directions, describing the minute details of the scene, give an air of realism to the drama.

          Besides, the play is not meant only for acting but for reading as well. The reader can know of the entire scene through the stage direction and can, to a great extent, appreciate the real spirit of the drama. These stage directions make the play perfectly clear to the reader. They impart realism and verisimilitude to the One-Act Play.

Friday 20 April 2018

One Act Play - Meaning, Origin, History and Characteristics

        Origin and History of One Act Play

Meaning of One Act Play

The words “one act play” Plainly stated the it is a play in one-act. This simple definition conveys all that is to be said about one-act plays. Let us analyses this bald statement.
1) It is a play-that is, it is meant to be performed or enacted.
2) It is a short play (of one act) as distinct from a long play (of three or five acts).

Origin and History

           One-Act plays were written & staged throughout the 18th & 19th centuries as “The Curtain Raisers” or “The after Pieces”. But the origin of one-act plays can be traced to the satyr plays of the Greeks of the 4th century B.C. which were intended to provide relief at the end of the performance of serious tragedies. The modem one-act plays and the Greek satyr plays share a common trait-both can be enjoyed without too much of expense of effort or of time.

        In the Middle Ages (in the 14th and the 15th centuries), there were short there were short plays which dealt with Christian subjects and scriptural themes. These were called the medieval miracle and mystery plays. There was also another of a similar category called the Morality play, of which the outstanding examples was Everyman. Written in the 15th century, Everyman, fits in well with the one-act plays of modem times.

     The 16th century saw the rise and glory of great English drama. The Elizabethan drama was written for professional actors and professional theatre. But in the second half of the 16th century short interludes were written to be performed between two long miracle or mystery plays or between the courses of a banquet. These were truly one-act plays requiring just a few actors and capable of being performed in less than half an hour's time.

       In the 18th century Fielding's Tom Thumb and Sheridan's The Critic deserve to be mentioned in any account of one-act plays. From the above account it is evident that one-act play is not unique to the 20th century, but since the end of the First World War, there has been a proliferation of this kind in the English theatre world. Two reasons can be attributed for this large output of one-act plays the rise of the amateur drama of radio and television

         So, we can say that ----
        The origin of the one-act play may be traced to the very beginning of drama  in ancient Greece, Cyclops, a play on the forest God , by Euripides, is an early example. But, It was great Norwegian dramatist Ibsen, who, for the first time, introduced the minute stage-directions into the one-act play. Before him, one-act plays were written in poetry, but he made prose the medium of his one-act plays. In short, he made the drama, simple & real , & brought it nearer to everyday life. He made the modern one-act play what it is & his example has been widely followed. George Bernard Shaw & John Galsworthy are two of his greatest followers.

         The one-act play requires no elaborate setting & costumes, & so comes in handy to be staged in amateur dramatic societies & clubs.

          One-act plays by major dramatists —–

 (i)  Anton Chekhov —– A Marriage Proposal (1890)

 (ii) August Strindberg —–Pariah (1889)
                                        Motherly Love (1892)
                                        The First Warning (1892)

 (iii) Thornton Wilder —-The Long Christmas Dinner (1931)

 (iv) Eugene Ionesco —- The Bald Soprano (1950)

 (v)  Arthur Miller —-A Memory of Two Mondays (1955)

 (vi) Samuel Beckett —- Krapp’s Last Tape (1958)

 (vii) Israel Horovitz —-Line (1974)

 (viii) Edward Albee —- The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? (2002)

Chief Characteristics of One Act Play

1. One-act play is a play that has only one act, but may consist of one or more scenes.

2. One-act plays are usually written in a concise manner.

3. It deals with a single dominant situation, & aims at producing a single effect.

4. It deals with only one theme developed through one situation to one climax in order to produce the maximum of effect.

5. It treats the problems of everyday life as marriage, punishment for crimes, labor conditions, divorce, etc.

6. The one-act play, like the longer drama, should have beginning, a middle & an end. It may be divided into four stages :
- The Exposition, 
-The Conflict, 
-The Climax & 
-The Denouement.  

             The exposition is usually brief, serves as an  introduction to the play. It is through the conflict that the action of the drama develops. It is the very backbone of the one-act play. Climax is the turning point of the drama. It  is an important part of the one-act play & constitutes its moment    of supreme interest. The Denouement is very brief & often overlaps with climax.

7. Action begins right at the start of the play.

8. There are no breaks in the action, that is , it is continuous       since its a short play; no intervals.

9. Everything superfluous is to be strictly avoided as the play is short & the action takes place within a short period of time. It introduces elaborate stage directions to minimize the time taken by the action itself.

10. The creation of mood, or atmosphere is indispensable to its success.

11. There are three dramatic unities which are observed in the one-act play. The unities are —- the unity of time, unity of place & the unity of action.

12. It aims at simplicity of plot ; concentration of action & unity of impression. It does not rely on spectacular effects & common dramatic tricks of old.

13. The characters in a one-act play are limited in number. Generally, there are not more than two or three principal characters.

14. There is no full development of character. All the different aspects of a character are not presented. The attention is focused on only one or two salient aspects of character & they are brought out by placing the characters in different situations & circumstances. The author implies the past & intimates the future of a character by presenting a crucial moment in the life of that character.

15. There is an influence of realism. The characters in the modern one-act play are ordinary men & women. It depicts characters that seems to be real & related to everyday life.

16. It must present a question, for which the audience eagerly awaits the answer.

17. Its language is simple & can be followed without any strain. All superfluity is to be avoided in the dialogue. The dialogue must be purposeful; the best dialogue is that which does several things at one time. Every word is to be carefully chosen & sentences must be compact & condensed. Effort should be made to say, whatever is to be said, in the least possible words. Thus, the language of the dialogue should be simple , brief & easy to understand . Long speeches & arguments & long sentences would be out of place & would lessen the charm & interest of the play.

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