Saturday 27 March 2010

Others views on TARA

 Others views on TARA:

        Many students have written their final paper on TARA.

        One student point out that Tara and Chandan are two sides of the same self, rather than two separates entities  and that Dan is trying to write the story of his own  childhood, has to write the story of Tara too. Chandan writes Tara's story of himself, as a mean of becoming whole. 

        One other student stressed that he attains the focuses in the family as microcosm of society in order to dramatize the way we are socialized to accept certain gendered role and to give the preference of what man is.

Sahitya Akadami Award Coition reads like this -

    "Dattani's works probes tangled attitudes in India toward Communal differences. Contemporary Consumerism and genders a brilliant contribution to Indian drama in English."

K.G. Manikrao notes that - 

"Dattani's Tara illustrates another reality: money, which is seen as more powerful than anything else. Dr. Thakkar's choice to take a bribe for completing unethical work by denying Tara's leg, which was related to her blood circulation in her body, was swayed by money. The third leg was joined to Chandan's body, but it was unable to draw blood and was soon severed. Dattani's drama teaches us that someone who has no place in society cannot be deemed exceptional. His drama intends to "reflect the malfunction of the society but to act like freak mirrors in a carnival and to project grotesque images of all that passes for normal in our world" 

✔ For full review click the links given below and enjoy information

Dramatist's view on TARA

 Dramatist's view on TARA:

        Dattani wants to present the Indian urban family as it is. And he himself says that you can talk about the feminism. because in a way what is accepted but you can't talk about gay issues; because that not Indian; that doesn't happened here. You Cant talk about a middle class house wife feminizing about Sex with cook, actually having sexual life - that isn't Indian- that's confrontational even if it is Indian

        He had done a great service to society by pulling the taboo subjects out of from under the rug and placing them on the stage for public decision.

According to Dattani himself-

        TARA is a play about the gendered self, about Chandan coming to terms with the feminine side of him in a world that always favors what is male'. However, many people think the play to be about the heroine, Tara, the girl child.

Reliability of Content Of TARA

 Reliability of Content:

    In IARA Dattani has depicted the real social issues Society. Dattani has presented the real social and domestic problems of the society as they are. Such as the Domination of men, the power of money, Genderbias, Corruption etc. Dattani has also depicted the drowning of baby girl in milk - a cruel prevision of Gujarati culture.

    Whatever happened with the Tara is normally happen's with the girl in our India. Tara, Chandan, Mr. Patel, Bharati, Dr. Thakkar, Roopa are not only the imaginative characters; but in our actual life many persons are of them. They are the representatives of our actual society.

    In short, this play has a surer footing of reality. Dattani has presented the problems of urban family as they are.

The Book TARA touches to the field

 The Book TARA touches to the field:

    Dattani's this play presents each and every aspect of our society. It is really difficult to decide to any particular field, which touch to the book; because Dattani's this play covers each and every aspect. Mainly Dattani had tried to present the invisible issues of Indian society.

The social issues are at the center in TARA. The social prejudices like Genderbias, Hypocrisy, Provincialism, are the main theme of the play. The domestic issues are also well depicted in play. The problems of adolescents and the mistakes of medical profession, the corruption of doctor are also well described in the play.

In short, Dattani's this play presents each and every aspect of the society. It is mainly centered on the previsions of Indian society.

Use of various techniques in the play

 Use of various techniques in the play:

        Like Girish Karnard, Dattani also uses the various techniques in the play. Actually Dattani is a well-known stage director.

        Dattani has also used some techniques in TARA. The whole play is narrated by the Dan - the older Chandan. The stage direction is the main strength of the Dramatist. The shifting of scenes with the lights make the play most appealing if it is being played on the stage. There is a beautiful use of the stream of consciousness technique. The play is completely a flashback of Chandan. Actually the whole play is nothing but it is the swarm of the emotional memories of Chandan.

        The use of music and light make play more appealing. The narrator, the interview of the Doctor, Patel's revealing of fact, all are new innovated.

In short, Dattani has used various techniques in TARA.

Characters of the TARA:

 Characters of the TARA:

DAN: The older Chandan. The narrator, 20 years old, walks with limp.

TARA: Chandan's twin sister. 13 year old, walk with a noticeable limp.

3. CHANDAN: Tara's twin brother 13 years old but looking young

than Tara, having an artificial leg on the opposite side to Iard.

4. BHARATI: Early forties. Tara and Chandan's mother.

5  Mr. PATEL: Mid forties. Tara and Chandan's father. An executive Director of the multi- national Company.

6. ROOPA: fourteen or fifteen year old, friend of Tara.

7. Dr. THAKKER: Mid-Fifties, The surgeon who separates the

conjoined twin.

TARA - External Features of the Books


  • Written by: Mahesh Dattani.
  • First Published in: 1990.
  • Type of Work: A Tragic Play.
  • Pages: This play has 1 to 60 pages.
  • Prize of Book: 60-/ Rs.
  • Quality of Paper: The papers of the books are having a good quality. The papers are white and smooth.
  • Binding: The book is well binded; the cover page is hard and strong.
  • Printing: The Printing of the book is of high quality, the size of word is apt and gape between the lines is also appropriate.

Cover page:

    The Cover page of the book indicates the name of the book, The name of the writer and its type. There is also the picture on the cover page. Alique Padmsee, the mentor of the writer, portrays it. The picture of the front page suggests the theme of the play. Two faces are there in the picture and each faces has half shades. Actually that faces are of Chandan and Tara. Chandan and Tara are two sides of self. Actualiy are they are two bodies and one heart. The picture suggests such a meaning so, it is cent percent apt for the theme of the play.

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