Sunday 10 October 2010

Character list in the play - Doctor Faustus

 Doctor John Faustus

Main Character, 

A learned scholar in Germany during the fifteenth century who becomes dissatisfied with the limitations of knowledge and pledges his soul to Lucifer in exchange for unlimited power.


Faustus' servant, 

He tries to imitate (copy) Faustus' methods of reasoning and fails in a ridiculous and comic manner.

Valdes and Cornelius 

Two German scholars who are versed in the practice of magic and who teach Faustus about the art of conjuring.


King of the underworld and a fallen angel who had rebelled against God and thereafter tries desperately to win souls away from the Lord.


 A prince of the underworld who appears to Faustus and becomes his servant for twenty-four years.

Good Angel and Evil Angel 

Two figures who appear to Faustus and attempt to influence him.

The Clown 

The clown who becomes a servant of Wagner as Mephistophilis becomes a servant to Faustus.


Courser A gullible man who buys Faustus' horse, which disappears when it is ridden into a pond.

The Pope 

The head of the Roman Catholic church, whom Faustus and Mephistophilis use as a butt of their practical jokes.

Charles V, 

Emperor of Germany The emperor who holds a feast for Faustus and at whose court Faustus illustrates his magical powers.


 A haughty and disdainful knight who insults Faustus. In revenge, Faustus makes a pair of horns appear on the knight.

Duke and Duchess of Vanholt

 A couple whom Faustus visits and for whom he conjures up some grapes.


An ostler who steals some of Dr. Faustus' books and tries to conjure up some devils.

Rafe (Ralph)

 A friend of Robin's who is present with Robin during the attempt to conjure up devils.


A man who appears and tries to get payment for a goblet from Robin.

Old Man He appears to Faustus during the last scene and tries to tell Faustus that there is still time to repent.

Seven Deadly Sins, - Alexander, - Helen of Troy, and - Alexander's Paramour

 Spirits or apparitions which appear during the course of the play.

Chorus A device used to comment upon the action of the play or to provide exposition.

Read Also Topic Given Below

Play Summery of Doctor Faustus

Character list in the play - Doctor Faustus

General Introduction - Doctor Faustus by Marlowe

Play Summery of Doctor Faustus

     Faustus becomes dissatisfied with his studies of medicine, law, logic and theology; therefore, he decides to turn to the dangerous practice of necromancy, or magic. He has his servant Wagner summon Valdes and Cornelius, two German experts in magic. Faustus tells them that he has decided to experiment in necromancy and needs them to teach him some of the fundamentals.

        When he is alone in his study, Faustus begins experimenting with magical incantations, and suddenly Mephistophilis appears, in the form of an ugly devil. Faustus sends him away, telling him to reappear in the form of a friar. Faustus discovers that it is not his conjuring which brings forth Mephistophilis but, instead, that when anyone curses the trinity, devils automatically appear. Faustus sends Mephistophilis back to hell with the bargain that if Faustus is given twenty-four years of absolute power, he will then sell his soul to Lucifer.

        Later, in his study, when Faustus begins to despair, a Good Angel and a Bad Angel appear to him; each encourages Faustus to follow his advice. Mephistophilis appears and Faust agrees to sign a contract in blood with the devil even though several omens appear which warn him not to make this bond.

        Faustus begins to repent of his bargain as the voice of the Good Angel continues to urge him to repent. To divert Faustus, Mephistophilis and Lucifer both appear and parade the seven deadly sins before Faustus. After this, Mephistophilis takes Faustus to Rome and leads him into the pope's private chambers, where the two become invisible and play pranks on the pope and some unsuspecting friars.

        After this episode, Faustus and Mephistophilis go to the German emperor's court, where they conjure up Alexander the Great. At this time, Faustus also makes a pair of horns suddenly appear on one of the knights who had been skeptical about Faustus' powers. After this episode, Faustus is next seen selling his horse to a horse-courser with the advice that the man must not ride the horse into the water. Later, the horse-courser enters Faustus' study and accuses Faustus of false dealings because the horse had turned into a bundle of hay in the middle of a pond.

        After performing other magical tricks such as bringing forth fresh grapes in the dead of winter, Faustus returns to his study, where at the request of his fellow scholars, he conjures up the apparition of Helen of Troy. An old man appears and tries to get Faustus to hope for salvation and yet Faustus cannot. He knows it is now too late to turn away from the evil and ask for forgiveness. When the scholars leave, the clock strikes eleven and Faustus realizes that he must give up his soul within an hour.

        As the clock marks each passing segment of time, Faustus sinks deeper and deeper into despair. When the clock strikes twelve, devils appear amid thunder and lightning and carry Faustus off to his eternal damnation.

Read Also Topic Given Below

Play Summery of Doctor Faustus

Character list in the play - Doctor Faustus

General Introduction - Doctor Faustus by Marlowe

Detailed note on Mahesh Dattani

 Mahesh Dattani is a dramatist, actor, dancer, director, and mentor. In 1998, his play Final Solutions got the Sahitya Akademi Award for Indian English drama. Although he has written several plays in English, he hails from such a background with hardly any literary aromas. Some of these plays have been considered and are now part of the curricula of Indian and international universities. He was born on August 7, 1958, in Bangalore, and attended Baldwin's High School and Bangalore's St. Joseph's College of Arts and Science. His mother tongue is Gujrati, but he received English language schooling along with his siblings, which enabled him in learning English as a second language. He holds a bachelor's degree in Arts and a master's degree in Marketing and Advertising Management. He began his work as a copywriter for an advertising agency before joining his family's business.

Dattani writes plays about scintillating issues that are relevant to today's society. He focuses on the issues that some of his predecessors have addressed in their plays, such as gender discrimination, child sexual abuse, patriarchy, and taboos that are not allowed to be acknowledged vociferously, such as homosexuality and the plight of eunuchs, and, of course, he writes vis-à-vis communalism, which is an apple of discord among various castes, classes, and colours.

In Where There's a Will and Dance Like a Man, Dattani depicts patriarchy's constitution and authoritarian attitude, gender discrimination in Tara, and the heart-wrenching topic of child sexual abuse in Thirty Days in September, as well as the contemplated status of eunuchs and their marginality in society in Seven Steps Around the Fire, homosexuality and LGBT issues in On a Muggy Night in Mumbai and Bravely Fought the Queen, and Do the Needful, respectively. Communalism in Final Solution and Some other predicaments blur the tension and the prejudice of superiority in The Tale of a Mother Feeding Her Child, in which a foreigner feeds her breast milk to almost an orphan child having forgotten the condition of her child, believing in humanity and having firm faith in God, because HE is omniscient and helps kind-hearted human beings.

The objective of this paper is to discover the girl child's ordeal in a culture dominated by male chauvinism. Tara by Dattani is a drama that addresses the issue of gender discrimination in contemporary Indian society. Woman in a patriarchal society is "the image of the woman holding the mirror to her face is the typical feminine image. In a male-dominated society, a woman is valued for her beauty and sex appeal. She is always afraid of her beauty withering with time and therefore she holds up a mirror which tells her of her youth, beauty and sexual attractiveness remain intact" (Satwana Halder, 

Since the dawn of civilization, women have grappled with a myriad of subjects. They have been stereotyped as sex objects and vulnerable members of society. From dawn to dust, they have been given to do numerous domestic chores to accomplish. And they are obligated to do the assignment within the time constraint, irrespective of whether they are suffering from a headache or backache. Paula Kaplan, in her book, The Myth of Woman's Masochism, asserts, that the myth that “women enjoy their suffering” becomes “responsible for profound and far- reaching emotional and physical harm to girls” 

Dattani's play Tara is a two-act stage play that was first performed by Dattani's Playpen performing Arts Group on October 23, 1990, at the Chowdiah Memorial Hall in Bangalore as Twinkle Tara. It was subsequently performed as Tara by Theatre Group, Bombay on November 9, 1991, directed by Alyque Padamsee, and received the Sahitya Kerala Akademy award for the same year.

Tara is the story of Siamese twins who were conjoined from the hip down and had three legs. They were surgically separated, and one of them may have two legs. The two legs were suited for Tara's body because Tara's body supplied the majority of the blood, but they (legs) were given to Chandan, albeit the linked leg was eventually flaked off because it could not sustain as dead flesh. The premise of the play Tara is the emotional separation that develops between two conjoned twins after their mother and grandfather manipulate their physical separation to favour the male (Chandan) over the girl

Dattani has shown the middle-class society that is supposed to itself well educated and has a respectable status in society. He is an expert in mirroring the real conditions of girls who have been living in a crucial society where they have no respect and honor. When Tara wants to know how the girls were being treated in the Patels' family, Roopa, Tara's neighbour, says, “Since you insist, I will tell you. It will not be true. But this is what I have heard. The Patels in the old days were unhappy with getting girls babies. You know dowry and things like that so they used to draw them in milk… they could say that she choked while drinking her milk

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Dr. Kalam's personality and achievement in 'The Wings of Fire'.

Dr. Kalam’s autobiography Wings of Fire begins with-

“We are all born with a Divine fire in us. Our efforts should be to get wings of this fire."

         Really Wings of Fire is a unique autobiography portrays what zest for life is all about.  His humble beginning hard work, above all a passion a for life Etc. are well described in the book.

         It is also a biography of Indian space science as well.   Throughout the book Kalam emerges as a great personality before us.  He’s like pros that meeting all olds the man can reach caught to the star.

        Dr Kalam was born to poor owner’s family at Ramnathpuram,  Dhanushkody in Rameswaram.  He sold newspapers to pay his fees and pawned (sold) his sisters jewelry to complete a diploma in engineering.  Early in life he showed a capacity for hard work and his will to succeed.  His autobiography, his passionate description of one of the greatest success stories that Modern India has seen. It is not of the Indian story of an individual, but space programme  saga

     "Wings of Fire" begin with the description of other autobiographies Kalam's childhood. As child he was sincere worker. He helped his Cousin, he tried to be independent, and he was the favorite of his teachers. His great teacher Mr. Iyer used to inspire him to be a great man and finally and he proved it by becoming a great scientist the first citizen of Indian democracy, the president of India.

        He specialized Aeronautical Engineering from Madras Institute of Technology. He made Significant develop contribution as a project director to develop India’s first SLV. It made India an exclusive member of space club. He also describe the role of visionary geniuses such Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, Dr. Brahm Prakash and many others. His book is also story of his dreams come his true after constant struggle. Agni Prithvi, Akash, Trishul, Nag end many other home-grown missiles have empowered India It proves that "Nothing can stop you if you to rise"" decide

        As devoted student of Science and Technology, he made several efforts to make India. Independent in the field of specie technology. As Chairman of Technology Information and an eminent scientist. He led the country with the help of 500 experts to arrive at Technology vision.  His dream is to make India developed nation.  He was a Professor at Anna University from 2007.  He was involved in teaching and research tasks. Above all he took a mission to ignite the young mind for national development by meeting high school student across the country.

        ‘Live what you teach practice what you preach’ was his motto.  His life was full of simplicity from the very beginning. It is also reflected in the technology he is always in favor of things Made in India he was never been trained abroad.  He believes- “Do things yourself do not includes in shortcut by importing equipment’s."

        He is entire life is unique example of humbleness and sincerity in the book he notes - when Mrs.  Gandhi the Prime Minister of India invites him to congratulation for his achievement in scientific Technology he was in simple dress he Shy of it.

        Though a man of science, he is an emotional human being. He loved his family as well as his coworkers. He recalls them with almost sincerely and reality. Indeed Dr. Kalam is legendary figure of India and achievement in science and technology


Highlight the person who influenced author Dr. Abdul Kalam.

 Highlight the person who influenced author Dr. Abdul Kalam.

         The wing of Fire is a genuine scientific autobiography written by APJ Abdul Kalam. Autobiography is the history of particular man's life. Like most other autobiography Kalam's Wings of Fire begins with the childhood. He also describes the person who influenced him; he remembers all them with the reality and sincerity.

         During his childhood Kalam was much more influenced by his father. His father was not educated person but he is a simple and spiritual person. Under his influence he becomes a boy kind loving and hardworking. His sister Zohra is not much educated but she is devoted and loving.  She sells her jewelry to educate Kalam. Ahmed Jalaluddin Zohra’s husband was a close friend of Kalam.  He was 15 year old then Kalam yet they were good friends.  Jalaluddin could not study more because of his family’s economy but, he inspired Kalam to learn and study ahead. He was a newspaper agent in town. He was also close friend of Kalam.  By helping him Kalam earn money to pay his fees.

         His family's contribution in shaping authors career is invaluable. After his family influence most important influence on Kalam is influence of teacher.  He came across the many teachers; out of them there were some teachers who become an ideal of Kalam who were great guides and mentor of Kalam.

         In primary school at Rameshwaram his science teacher Shiva Subrahmanyam loved Kalam.  Even he ignored social rigidity.  Ramnathpuram at Schwartz High School, Iyadurai Solomon reason self-esteem in Kalam. He became a mentor of Kalam.  Ramakrishna Iyer a mathematics teacher who punished Kalam but Kalam get good marks he praises also. He was a strict, yet loving teacher

         He join send Joseph College in 1950. His English teacher T N Sequiria was a hostel warden. He was kind and loving to students. At Madras Institute of Technology Kalam was highly influenced by four professors

1.  Professor Sponder - He was an Australian. He taught him technical aerodynamics.

2. Professor KAV pandalai - Who taught him Arrow structure design and energy and enthusiastic teacher, who brought approach to the teaching course.

3.  Professor Narasing Rao - He was a mathematician. He taught him theatrical aerodynamics.

4.  Professor Shrinivasam- electric but appreciating to the student.

     Of all them Kalam was a special inclination (feeling) professor sponder who measure the capacity of Kalam.

     After finishing his education he joined directorate of technical development and production (DID&P) (AIR) as a senior assistant scientist. There he came in across with the scientist technocrats and political leaders. 

     Dr. Braham Parkas was the head of the department in Indian Institute of Science. he was also first director of VSSC  he made him Project leader of SLV 3 then Homi Jahangir Bhabha supported Kalam in scientific research.  Raja Ramanna was a guide of author.  He had failed in author’s action method. 

     Dr. Kalam Boss greatly influenced by 2 scientists Dr. Braham Prakash and Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was the guide and mentor of Kalam.

     In short Dr. Kalam was influenced by many persons. He was always eager to teach something good and learn something good from other. And his quality and hardworking made in nation worldwide and give his status.

Childhood of Dr. Kalam

 Childhood of  Dr. Kalam.

     Dr. Kalam’s autobiography The Wings of Fire is a genuine and inspiring autobiography. It is not the fictional book it has surer footing of reality. Like most other autobiography Kalam's autobiography begins with his childhood. 

     Abdul Kalam was born in 1931 at Ramnathpuram, Dhanushkodi in Rameshwaram. He was born in the middle class family. his father Jainulabdin had not education. He was not reach but he was generous and lived a simple life. He had deep faith in God. Kalam's  mother was a generous lady.  Fed many people. The high priest of Rameshwaram temple Pakshi Lakshmana Shastri was a good friend of Kalam's father. Both of them many times discuss the spiritual matters. There is the difference in their mode of worship, but there is a similarity in there thinking. If it in God and spiritual matters. His father explains him the significance of prayer. He had much respect Pakshi lakshmana Shastri.

     After his father the important influence on Kalam was jainulabdin. He was 15 year old then Kalam he become friends. Both of them used to go for evening walk. They talk spiritual matters. He was not educated but, he inspired Kalam to study. He often talk to Kalam the scientific discoveries, literature and Medical Science. He is cousin Shamsuddin also played role in shaping his boyhood.

     He had his primary education in Rameshvaram. His science teacher Shiva Subrahmaniam highly inspired him to develop his skills. He had tree Hindu friends also.  They were Ramnath Shastri, Arvindam and Shiv Prakasam.  They were his pale. They are from orthodox Hindu Brahmin families. Kalam has habit of reading from his early childhood.

     Thus, we can say that Kalam was brought up in influence of both Hindu and Muslim culture. There is a lot of influence of fundamental principle of both religions on Kalam. His parents teach him a lesson of honesty and self and deep rooted phase in goodness.

Title of ‘The Wings of Fire’

 Title of ‘The Wings of Fire’

        Title reflects tone and Chief subject of any book.  It is the soul of any literary creation. Kalam's autobiography is an autobiography with the sincerity and proper purpose.  It is the autobiography written by the great scientist, who has struggled in his life.  It is the story of journey for the Nations in the field of rocketry.

        The autobiography Wings of Fire presents The Story of struggle of Kalam from birth to the first launching of Agni missile.  This book is written after his retirement in 1995. Actually he was never retired because the Indian government needs his services. Dr. Kalam Sworn as the 11th President of India in 2002. he is the Professor at Anna University from 2001. these autobiography is the story of struggle and journey of an ordinary boy to the great scientist.

        This book is the essence of kalam’s experience is in the field of rocketary, Nations Space Research and Technological conpentance.  Kalam describes his childhood, his teacher, friends and experiences in colleges with his teachers.  He himself says that this is the story of small town boy’s struggle of the straitened circumstances of his school days who worked to pay school fees; of his frustrated attempt to become a pilot in Indian Air Force.

     Dr.  Kalam says that- “we are all born with the divine fire in us. Our efforts should be to give the wings of this fire"

        In this sentence the writer has interpreted the meaning of the title Wings of Fire in the sublime style.  This is that the God has given us a divine fire from the birth. Our efforts should be give the wing of this fire And Fill the world with the glow. Dr.  Kalam wanted to inspire modern boys and girls. This book sets the example among the youngsters to not small or helpless.  We all have divine fire.  We should give the wings of this fire.

     In short the title Wings of Fire is sending percent apt for appropriate of the story of the book. The book is the Saga of great man's life experiences and achievements. The community through such a great book.

Kalam's experience with Mr and Mrs Iyer

 Kalam's experience with Mr and Mrs Iyer

 Dr Kalam science teacher Shiva Subramaniam Ayyar was a person with a broad social Outlook. Brahmin he was a Rebel at heart. he encouraged young Kalam to develop skills in order to complete with the people in big cities. Inspite of his  wife's protes, he invited young Kalam at home for meal.  He served him  meal with his hands to Kalam. he said a brilliant example of social equality. Mrs. Iyer did not like the Muslim boys a take a food at her home or kitchen. But when she observed Kalam's way of eating and drinking water and cleaning floor. It changed her heart. Next time Kalam was invited again and she served him with her own hands. Here This couple is remembered and laid a great tribute by Dr. Kalam.

Dr. Kalam at Madras Institute of Technology

Dr.  Kalam at M. I. T.

Madras Institute of Technology has remained en institute of excellence. It imparts technical education. Dr. Kalam sought admission to this institute. There as a student, he had the benefit of receiving education in Aeronautical Engineering. Its professors were distinguished personalities. They were good personalities in the fields of their specialization. At M.I.T, three teachers shaped Kalam’s thinking. Their guidance formed the foundation. Prof. Sponder, KAV Pandalai and Rao were distinct personalities. Prof. Sponder played important role in Kalam's choice of specialization. Prof. Pandalai taught aero structure design and analysis. He was an enthusiastic teacher as well as taught innovative. Prof. Rao taught Kalam theatrical aerodynamics. There were two German professors at M.I. T. Both are masters in their fields. Thus, Dr. Kalam was lucky student at M.I.T. are His teachers were unique blend of the finest qualities of head and hear. They endeared them among their students.

Jallaluddin and Dr. Kalam's childhood

Jallaluddin and Dr. Kalam's childhood

Jallaluddin was one of the major Influences on Dr. Kalam's childhood. Though, he was fifteen yours older them Kalam, they become good friends. Kalam found strange and mystic in Jallaluddin. He was not much educated but he was self-taught. He was well read and well informed. He would talk to young Kalam about Scientific invention, Literature and medical science. He encouraged Kalam to achieve the best in life. He helped young Kalam expend his vision in life. He taught Kalam to took expend his beyond immediate world. Thus, Kalam's life was shaped and molded by such persons. It shows that even an ordinary person plays decisive role in giving shape to the destiny of either an individual or nation. 

Dr. Kalam's father and his philosophy in The Wings of Fire

Short note on .... 
Dr. Kalam's father and his philosophy in The Wings of Fire

 Dr. Kalam's father was a highly religious man. His name was Jinalabuddin.  He was neither highly educated nor reach. He has evolved any system of philosophy. He had formed it out of his own convictions – ‘once destiny should be a vision born out the true knowledge of the self. Fear is a major obstacle in full feeling once hope.’  According to him when one prayed , he would more beyond his body and its material concern he would become a part of  cosmos were wealth age, cast, creed were insignificant. Thus, Kalam's father was an ideal person.

The Wings of Fire as an autobiography

 Evaluate The Wings of Fire as an autobiography.

         An autobiography is the history of particular men’s life written by him.  Its purpose is the successful presentation of personality Dr. Kalam's autobiography The Wing of Fire is an autobiography with purpose and sincerity. His life is a unique example of humbleness and sincerity. He was not born in rich family. He had not got full facilities. His journey from the ordinary boy to great scientist and the struggle of his life are depicted in The Wings of Fire.

         Though, a man of science he is an emotional human being. He loved his family and his teachers and co-workers as well as his almost sincerity and reality. Indeed, Dr. Kalam is legendary figure in India and its achievement in science and technology

         Kalam's Wings of Fire is an autobiography, which emergence Kalam as a great scientist and a humble and sincere person. This Wings of Fire is a good example of scientific autobiography.

Dr. Kalam's father and his philosophy in WINGS OF FIRE

 Short note on  -

Dr. Kalam's father and his philosophy in Wings of Fire

    Dr Kalam's father was a highly religious man his name was  Jinalabuddin.  He was neither highly educated nor reach.  He  has evolved any system of philosophy. He had formed it out of his own convictions - 'once destiny should be a vision born out the true knowledge of the self. fear is a  major obstacle in full feeling once hope.'  According to him when one prayed, he would more beyond his body and its material concern. He would become a part of  Cosmos were wealth, age, cast, creed were insignificant. Thus,we can say that  Kalam's father was an ideal person.

Saturday 27 March 2010

Conclusion of the play TARA

 Conclusion of the TARA

        In short Dattani's TARA presents the real scrape of Indian Society, Dattani make the TARA an instrument to presents the Invisible issues of the Indian society. The approach of TARA is Completely new and different from the other play of other Dramatist. The play is the predicament on the modern life and Society, There are some ultra-modern themes also, But the Whole play is disturbed. It runs backwards as well as forward. We don't find an ideal plot construction in the whole play. The Plot of the play is very loose and scattered. Infect TARA has  no Central theme. There are many stories woven together. Dattani Want to present each and every aspect of the Indian society, so There are many stories going in the different directions. Because If the use the Stream of consciousness Techniques in the play it Became more complex.

        In short TARA is not easy to understand every common Audience or the reader. It requires a clever or intelligent reader Or audience to grasp the full meaning of the play. It is a really Very complex play.

Fulfillment of the dramatist's aim in TARA

Fulfillment of the dramatist's aim:

        Trough the play TARA, Dattani want to presents the each and every aspect of the Indian society as it is. Actually, Dattani's family is a Gujarati. So, he had seen many institution of Gujarati culture; and than has family moved to Bangalore to from the Gujarat. There he had seen the institution if urban society.

        The social aspect of the Indian society, Prejudices imposed by the society, problem of the Genderbias, hypocrisy of pretension, power of money, the follies of medical profession, the issue of provincialism, emotion of twin to each other all are well depicted in the play and they also came under the microscope of Dattani's rationalism. In TARA Dattani had justified all these issues through the various characters of the play.

        In short, Dattani's TARA Became a successful instrument for the presenting the photographic picture of the society. And Dattani has got a unique achievement in presenting the social problem of the Indian society.

The setting of the play - TARA

 The setting of the play

        The setting of the pay is not at a functional place, but at the real and familiar place Bangalore and London. 

        The characters Dan - the older Chandan, Tara, Chandan, Mr. Patel, Bharati, Roopa, Dr. Thakkar, are not only like the characters of the play; but the real persons among us. They all are the representatives of our society. TARA is not entirely the work of fictional. But it represents the actual condition of the society. In short Dattani's TARA has a surer footing of reality.

        He has presented two places at the same time by using the stream of consciousness technique of Dan. His this play presents the contemporary society of India.

Others views on TARA

 Others views on TARA:

        Many students have written their final paper on TARA.

        One student point out that Tara and Chandan are two sides of the same self, rather than two separates entities  and that Dan is trying to write the story of his own  childhood, has to write the story of Tara too. Chandan writes Tara's story of himself, as a mean of becoming whole. 

        One other student stressed that he attains the focuses in the family as microcosm of society in order to dramatize the way we are socialized to accept certain gendered role and to give the preference of what man is.

Sahitya Akadami Award Coition reads like this -

    "Dattani's works probes tangled attitudes in India toward Communal differences. Contemporary Consumerism and genders a brilliant contribution to Indian drama in English."

K.G. Manikrao notes that - 

"Dattani's Tara illustrates another reality: money, which is seen as more powerful than anything else. Dr. Thakkar's choice to take a bribe for completing unethical work by denying Tara's leg, which was related to her blood circulation in her body, was swayed by money. The third leg was joined to Chandan's body, but it was unable to draw blood and was soon severed. Dattani's drama teaches us that someone who has no place in society cannot be deemed exceptional. His drama intends to "reflect the malfunction of the society but to act like freak mirrors in a carnival and to project grotesque images of all that passes for normal in our world" 

✔ For full review click the links given below and enjoy information

Dramatist's view on TARA

 Dramatist's view on TARA:

        Dattani wants to present the Indian urban family as it is. And he himself says that you can talk about the feminism. because in a way what is accepted but you can't talk about gay issues; because that not Indian; that doesn't happened here. You Cant talk about a middle class house wife feminizing about Sex with cook, actually having sexual life - that isn't Indian- that's confrontational even if it is Indian

        He had done a great service to society by pulling the taboo subjects out of from under the rug and placing them on the stage for public decision.

According to Dattani himself-

        TARA is a play about the gendered self, about Chandan coming to terms with the feminine side of him in a world that always favors what is male'. However, many people think the play to be about the heroine, Tara, the girl child.

Reliability of Content Of TARA

 Reliability of Content:

    In IARA Dattani has depicted the real social issues Society. Dattani has presented the real social and domestic problems of the society as they are. Such as the Domination of men, the power of money, Genderbias, Corruption etc. Dattani has also depicted the drowning of baby girl in milk - a cruel prevision of Gujarati culture.

    Whatever happened with the Tara is normally happen's with the girl in our India. Tara, Chandan, Mr. Patel, Bharati, Dr. Thakkar, Roopa are not only the imaginative characters; but in our actual life many persons are of them. They are the representatives of our actual society.

    In short, this play has a surer footing of reality. Dattani has presented the problems of urban family as they are.

The Book TARA touches to the field

 The Book TARA touches to the field:

    Dattani's this play presents each and every aspect of our society. It is really difficult to decide to any particular field, which touch to the book; because Dattani's this play covers each and every aspect. Mainly Dattani had tried to present the invisible issues of Indian society.

The social issues are at the center in TARA. The social prejudices like Genderbias, Hypocrisy, Provincialism, are the main theme of the play. The domestic issues are also well depicted in play. The problems of adolescents and the mistakes of medical profession, the corruption of doctor are also well described in the play.

In short, Dattani's this play presents each and every aspect of the society. It is mainly centered on the previsions of Indian society.

Use of various techniques in the play

 Use of various techniques in the play:

        Like Girish Karnard, Dattani also uses the various techniques in the play. Actually Dattani is a well-known stage director.

        Dattani has also used some techniques in TARA. The whole play is narrated by the Dan - the older Chandan. The stage direction is the main strength of the Dramatist. The shifting of scenes with the lights make the play most appealing if it is being played on the stage. There is a beautiful use of the stream of consciousness technique. The play is completely a flashback of Chandan. Actually the whole play is nothing but it is the swarm of the emotional memories of Chandan.

        The use of music and light make play more appealing. The narrator, the interview of the Doctor, Patel's revealing of fact, all are new innovated.

In short, Dattani has used various techniques in TARA.

Characters of the TARA:

 Characters of the TARA:

DAN: The older Chandan. The narrator, 20 years old, walks with limp.

TARA: Chandan's twin sister. 13 year old, walk with a noticeable limp.

3. CHANDAN: Tara's twin brother 13 years old but looking young

than Tara, having an artificial leg on the opposite side to Iard.

4. BHARATI: Early forties. Tara and Chandan's mother.

5  Mr. PATEL: Mid forties. Tara and Chandan's father. An executive Director of the multi- national Company.

6. ROOPA: fourteen or fifteen year old, friend of Tara.

7. Dr. THAKKER: Mid-Fifties, The surgeon who separates the

conjoined twin.

TARA - External Features of the Books


  • Written by: Mahesh Dattani.
  • First Published in: 1990.
  • Type of Work: A Tragic Play.
  • Pages: This play has 1 to 60 pages.
  • Prize of Book: 60-/ Rs.
  • Quality of Paper: The papers of the books are having a good quality. The papers are white and smooth.
  • Binding: The book is well binded; the cover page is hard and strong.
  • Printing: The Printing of the book is of high quality, the size of word is apt and gape between the lines is also appropriate.

Cover page:

    The Cover page of the book indicates the name of the book, The name of the writer and its type. There is also the picture on the cover page. Alique Padmsee, the mentor of the writer, portrays it. The picture of the front page suggests the theme of the play. Two faces are there in the picture and each faces has half shades. Actually that faces are of Chandan and Tara. Chandan and Tara are two sides of self. Actualiy are they are two bodies and one heart. The picture suggests such a meaning so, it is cent percent apt for the theme of the play.

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