Tuesday 30 March 2021

Conclusion - Think happy thoughts!

 In short we can say that –

Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” “The myriad things are complete in us. There is no greater joy than to reflect on ourselves and become sincere.”

Happy thoughts are joyful experiences in our mind that shape how we view ourselves and the world around us.

When you add more positive thoughts, your brain will create relaxation and happiness.

Moral values of the poem - Think happy thoughts!

 1. Be always positive in life. 

Happy thoughts are joyful experiences in our mind that shape how we view ourselves and the world around us. Positive thinking improves our well being so that we can live a fulfilling life. Happy thoughts can make you feel instantly happy and improve your mood and lower your stress.

2. Remove negativity from mind and life.

When you add more positive thoughts, your brain will create relaxation and happiness. By training yourself to follow or negate negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll improve your positive/negative thought ratio and be happier.

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Personal Reflection on Poem - Think happy thoughts!

Edgar Albert Guest (20 August 1881 – 5 August 1959) was a British-born American poet who became known as the People's Poet. His poems often had an inspirational and optimistic view of everyday life. Here in this poem the poet says to take optimistic view to see the life and never disappoint at any stage or in any problem of life. This is true happiness!

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Hidden meaning of the poem - Think happy thoughts!

  Here in the poem Think happy thoughts! grey sky is symbol of obstacles and the sun is the symbol of hope and happiness. We should not think about what obstacles are in our life, but we should have think about how will we handle the obstacles and  one day the gray clouds will be removed. 

Here in this poem Edgar say that always take positive angle of the  life. Never be negative about the life. Those people who always think about positive point of life are stay happy.  Those people who are distress and find gloomy their life Theirs future also gloomy. Those people who think darkness factors of life are like stayed in covered room with curtain where sunshine comes daily, but never find.  When we flying up all curtains we will find sunshine

  Here Curtains are symbol of ignorance of truth. Once we remove curtain of ignorance from our mind, there will be new window will open to get true knowledge and happiness.
And at last - 
Mastering fear doesn't mean you don't have fear. It means you know what fears you have, and you control your fears ― they (The fear) don't control you.

Monday 29 March 2021

Think happy thoughts! - Simple Meaning

    Here on this poem the poet says we should have to think about our joyful experience is should have think Sunshine of the day not darkness of night. We should ignore all small worries always fill up our mind with the joyful laughter. We should have to remember well and forget everything bad that we find. We should have to think the sun that was hidden behind the cloud

We should not think about blue sky that we view.  We should have to think about real kindness not about that kindness shown only. We should have to stay with true friend 

We should have think about the Joy not about hates and disgust that was born from quarreling. We should have to think about only sweetness not the bitterness of life

Always think about whom you love, don't think about whom you hate always think about your success don't think about your failure. Your smile should cure others pain, never give pain to others. Never broke your promises and  Always speak kind and soft word never speak bitter word.

Think happy thoughts! - Edgar Albert Guest

 Name of the Poem: Think happy thoughts!

Writer’s Name: Edgar Albert Guest

Date of Publication:  13 March 2017

Think sunshine all the day;
Refuse to let the trifling worries stay,
Crowd them with thoughts of laughter from your mind.
Think of the good, forget the bad you find,
Think of the sun behind the clouds; the blue
And not the gray skies that you view.
Think of the kindness not the meanness shown,
The true friends not the false ones you have known;
The joy and not the hatred of the strife,
The sweetness not the bitterness of life.
Think happy thoughts!
Think happy thoughts!
Think always of the best,

Think of the ones you love, not those that you detest;
Think of your victories and not your failures here,
The smile that pleased and not the hurtful sneer,
The kindly word and not the harsh word spoken,
The promise kept and not the promise broken;
The good that you have known and not the bad,
The happy days that were and not the sad;
Think of the rose and not the withered flower,
The beauty of the rainbow, not the shower.
Think happy thoughts!
Think happy thoughts!
This is true happiness!

That life is sad that feeds on its distress;
That mind is gloomy that subsists on gloom,
And is as dismal as a curtained room,
Where daily comes the sunshine, but to find
It cannot enter through the close-drawn blind.
Fling up the curtains of your mind today
And let the morning sunshine in to play;
Dwell on the joys and not the sorrows here,
Master your thoughts and you have mastered fear.
Think happy thoughts.

About Poet

  • Born: 20 August 1881, 
  • Birth Place : Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • Died: 5 August 1959, Detroit, Michigan, United States Nationality
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Saturday 10 October 2020

Detailed summary of the Preface to Lyrical Ballads.


        William Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads, co-written with Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It was published in 1798 and marked the birth of English Romantic literature. Its preface acts as the gateway to a new era of literary exploration, wherein Wordsworth candidly presents his beliefs and standards for poetry.

    He rejects the ornate (orthodox) language and rigid constructs standard in poetry then. Instead, he propagates the need for straightforwardness, freshness, and a focus on the mundane realities of the everyday person. By urging simple, everyday language, Wordsworth forges an authentic bond between the poet and the reader, and by extension, with society.

        Although, Wordsworth views poetry not as a fanciful flight of creativity but as a mirror reflecting the poet’s authentic emotions and a tool to express deep-seated truths. He asserts that the true essence of poetry lies in its power to stir real emotions and resonate with fundamental human experiences.

        The preface also underlines the critical interplay between the poet and nature. To Wordsworth, nature is not a mere spectacle; instead, it is a dynamic entity that engages with the poet, fuelling their creativity and broadening their viewpoint.

        One can perceive Wordsworth’s deep-seated sense of social obligation by scrutinizing the preface to Lyrical Ballads. He sees the poet as a tutor and moral compass to society, using his creative prowess to cultivate empathy, ethical behavior, and an enriched understanding of human nature.

1- Nature of Poetry in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads

        William Wordsworth’s preface to Lyrical Ballads presents a deep exploration into the essence of poetry. This work departed from established poetic norms, opening the pathway for the Romantic movement.

        Wordsworth refutes the idea of poetry as a high-brow, contrived, and extravagant art because he presents a fresh view that values simplicity, genuineness, and emotional honesty.

Spontaneous Overflow of Powerful Emotions

        Wordsworth presents poetry as a “Spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions ” stemming from the poet’s innermost heart. He stresses the significance of genuine emotions as the engine behind the creation of poetry. 

Recollection in Tranquility

        Wordsworth’s theory also encompasses the idea of “Recollection in Tranquility.” He contends that the poet uses past emotions, which are then remembered and shaped into poetry during periods of peaceful reflection.

    This process paves the way for deeper comprehension and introspection, enriching the poem’s emotional depth.

Rejection of Artificial Poetic Diction

    Wordsworth strongly dismisses the dominant poetic language grounded in complex and academic words. In contrast, he encourages language “actually used by people” – a language the average person can comprehend.

    The poet forms a sincere and direct bond with the readers by embracing simplicity and rejecting artificiality.

The Universality of Human Experiences

        Wordsworth asserts that poetry should revolve around universal human experiences that surpass societal classes and boundaries.

        He believes that every human heart harbors shared emotions, and poetry is a vehicle to capture and express these sentiments. This renders the poet a representative of the communal human spirit.

The Poet as a Man Speaking to Men

        Wordsworth remodels the poets’ role, underscoring that they are not solitary geniuses but individuals who share the same life experiences as their audience. The poet communicates as an equal to the readers.

        He engages with his experiences, aspirations, and dreams. This approach cultivates empathy and relatability in the relationship between the poet and the reader.

2- Language and Simplicity

        In the preface to Lyrical Ballads, William Wordsworth marks a significant deviation from the conventional poetic norms, especially about the use of language. His stress on simplicity and the use of everyday language.

        Wordsworth challenges the traditionally ornate and contrived poetic language, highlighting his dedication to building a sincere connection with his audience and portraying the allure of everyday life.

The Language of Common People

        Wordsworth stands up for the language “truly used by men,” the kind of language that ordinary people employ in their daily conversations.

        He believes that using simple and honest language is better than the flowery and complicated language that poets used during his time because it allows for a more genuine and relatable connection with the readers.

        Wordsworth thinks that genuine and relatable language is more effective and impactful. Using the average person’s language, the poet can reach a wider audience, touching their hearts more deeply.

Valuing Simplicity

        In Wordsworth’s view, simplicity plays a crucial role in poetry because he argues that simple language and straightforward expression amplify the clarity of the poet’s message, facilitating better comprehension and connection for the readers with the underlying emotions.

        Contrarily, intricate and obfuscated language erects a barrier between the poet and the reader, obstructing the transmission of heartfelt feelings.

Beauty in the Ordinary

        Wordsworth sees the beauty of poetry in its capacity to highlight everyday incidents and experiences. Additionally, he opposes the idea that poetry should exclusively concentrate on lofty or extraordinary subjects.

        According to Wordsworth, there is a distinctive allure between the commonplace and the ordinary.

Duties of a Poet

        Wordsworth sees poets as accountable for communicating with the public rather than secluding themselves in a realm of elitist language. A poet’s language should be comprehensible to the typical reader, building a bond that overcomes social divides.

        This commitment to the common folk aligns with the poet’s role as a societal teacher and moral compass.

Liberating Imagination

        Wordsworth asserts that simplicity in language releases the poet’s creativity and imaginative powers. By doing away with unnecessary ornateness, the poet can concentrate on authentic expression and a truthful depiction of emotions.

        Wordsworth regards this freeing of creativity as key to crafting poetry that reaches readers at a deeper emotional level.

3- Poetic Imagination

        In the Preface to Lyrical Ballads, William Wordsworth emphasizes the essential role of poetic imagination in creating meaningful and emotional poetry. He believes that a poet’s imagination is the driving force behind crafting powerful and impactful verses.

        Wordsworth examines the interplay of imagination with common experiences and emotions, converting them into meaningful poetic content that speaks to readers. His understanding of poetic imagination not only contests traditional beliefs of poetic inspiration but also spotlights the poet’s heightened observational skills.

Imagination as a Transformative Force

Wordsworth interprets imagination as a force of creativity that uplifts ordinary situations and feelings into the extraordinary realm. Guided by his imagination, the poet views the world from a distinct and deep-seated perspective. It enables the poet to glean poetic essence from seemingly ordinary happenings.

Imagination and Everyday Life

        Contrary to contemporary poets, who focused on grandiose themes and unfamiliar locales, Wordsworth finds inspiration in the simplicity of everyday living. He considers that the poet’s imagination can draw potent emotions and deep truths from the common experiences of human life.

Imagination and Nature

        In Wordsworth’s philosophy, nature significantly influences the poet’s imagination. The poet’s interaction with nature stimulates his creative instincts. It infuses his verses with lively imagery and emotional depth.

        Engaging with the natural environment gives the poet a profound understanding of human emotions and universal truths.

The Unity of Imagination and Emotion

        Wordsworth highlights the inherent link between imagination and emotion. In his belief, genuine poetry emerges from the poet’s authentic feelings and experiences.

        The creative force of imagination then metamorphoses these into poetic expressions that connect with readers. This amalgamation of emotion and imagination gives birth to poetry that strikes a chord with readers.

The Poet as a Seer

        Wordsworth envisages the poet as having a unique ability to observe and interpret the world in a profound and visionary manner. In this context, the poet becomes a “seer” who unveils the concealed beauty and deeper meanings embedded within reality.

4- Spontaneity and Inspiration in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads

        In the Preface to Lyrical Ballads, William Wordsworth underscores the importance of spontaneity and inspiration in poetry’s crafting. He advocates a more fluid and spontaneous approach to poetry, dismissing strict poetic rules and norms.

        Wordsworth’s perspective on spontaneity and inspiration challenges conventional ideas about poetic artistry. Rather than adhering to traditional norms, he promotes the idea of heartfelt expressions that emerge from a poet’s deepest emotions and their interaction with the world.

Spontaneity as the Essence of Poetry

        For Wordsworth, spontaneity is the primary trait of genuine poetry. He is convinced that the most authentic and emotive lines come naturally from the poet’s heart, free from artificiality or overthinking. The process of creating poetry should, at its core, be an organic and unrestrained affair.

Disapproval of Conventional Rules

        Wordsworth’s preface challenges the then-dominant poetic rules and formalities governing the literary milieu and proposes that rigid structures and constraints should not bind poetry. Instead, poetry should be born freely from the poet’s creative instincts.

Poetry as an Outcome of Inspiration

        Wordsworth extols the part inspiration plays in creating poetry. Drawing inspiration from nature, human interactions, and personal experiences, the poet reflects it in his verses. This source of inspiration energizes the spontaneity and emotional depth of the poem.

Adoption of Natural Expression

        Wordsworth opines that poetry should be a mirror of natural expression, shunning artificiality. Poets should not strive to mimic others or comply with set norms but instead embrace their voice and unique perspective. This genuineness of expression enhances the power and relatability of poetry.

The Poet’s Bond with Nature

        Wordsworth considers the poet’s bond with nature a primary source of inspiration. The awe-inspiring beauty and subtleties of nature stir deep emotions, which inspire the poet’s verses. Through this connection with nature, the poet gains insights into the human condition and the everlasting truths of life.

5- Emotions and Truth 

        In the Preface to Lyrical Ballads, William Wordsworth probes the profound link between emotions and truth within the context of poetry. He suggests that true poetry is designed to stir real emotions and feelings, reaching the bounds of factual correctness.

        Wordsworth’s viewpoint is different from the usual way people think about poetry. He believes poetry is powerful and can deeply connect with our emotions and experiences.

        Instead of just describing things on the surface, he thinks poetry can reveal profound truths about life and what it means to be human.

The Driving Force of Genuine Poetry

        Wordsworth asserts that authentic poetry is born from the poet’s genuine emotions. Poetry is not simply an intellectual endeavor but a sincere articulation of the poet’s most profound sentiments.

        Emotions infuse the lines with truth and intensity, establishing a profound connection between the poet and the reader.

Poetic Truth Versus Factual Accuracy

        Wordsworth articulates that poetic truth is not strictly tethered to factual accuracy or historical occurrences. Instead, it is shaped by emotional truth that reverberates with the human spirit.

        The poet’s responsibility is to express these emotional truths in a way that captures the essence of human experiences. When writing poetry, the poet’s main task is not only to convey those profound and genuine emotions but also to do so in a manner that truly reflects what it means to be human.

Unveiling Universal and Timeless Truths

        Wordsworth is convinced that poetry should shed light on universal and timeless truths not confined by specific circumstances or historical epochs.

        By delving into human emotions and experiences, poetry unveils truths that transcend time and culture, resonating with readers of all generations.

Poetry as an Insight Generator

        The preface underlines poetry’s role as an insight generator into the human psyche and the surrounding world. Through the sincere articulation of emotions, poetry grants readers a profound understanding of human nature and the intricacies of life.

The Poet as a Seeker of Truth

        Wordsworth envisions the poet as a seeker who delves into the depths of human emotions and experiences. He aims to uncover the profound truths beneath the veneer of ordinary life.

        The sensitivity and keen perception of the poet enable him to capture and convey these truths through his verses.

6- Poetic Inspiration from Nature

        In the introductory remarks to Lyrical Ballads, William Wordsworth elucidates the profound influence of nature on a poet’s mental faculties and creative prowess. He hails nature as a wellspring of inspiration, offering solace, spiritual nourishment, and an intimate bond between the poet and the surrounding environment.

     Wordsworth’s viewpoint not only emphasizes the significance of nature as a source of poetic inspiration but also initiates a shift in how poets approach their craft. He encourages poets to also tap into the beauty and wisdom that the natural world has to offer.

Nature as a Living Force

        Wordsworth views nature not as a passive setting but as an active, vibrant entity engaging with the human spirit. The splendor and magnificence of nature trigger intense emotions and sensations within the poet, thus instigating poetic articulation.

The healing power of Nature

    In the preface, Wordsworth talks about how nature can be like medicine for our minds and hearts. He believes that spending time in nature can help us feel better and heal from the stresses of modern life.

        For poets, nature is a safe place to find comfort and inspiration to create beautiful verses. The serenity of nature enables the poet to reassemble their emotions in serene contemplation.

Communion with Nature

        Wordsworth urges poets to cultivate a deep bond with nature, fully immersing themselves in its sights, sounds, and rhythms. This intimate bond allows the poet to comprehend the interconnectedness of all life forms and perceive the exquisite beauty in everyday occurrences.

Nature: A Wise Mentor

        Wordsworth depicts nature as an enlightened mentor, delivering profound insights about life, morality, and the human psyche. The poet’s observation of natural phenomena uncovers wisdom about the universe’s mechanisms, stimulating poetic lines that embody these eternal truths.

Influence of Nature on Poetic Imagination

        In the preface, Wordsworth delves into how the poet’s interaction with nature shapes his poetic creations. The poet’s communion with nature augments his imaginative faculties. It empowers him to infuse his poetry with lively imagery and emotional depth derived from the natural world.

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